David Cruz Apps

Pomoves - Active Pomodoro 1.0.1
David Cruz
The Pomodoro technique is well known forhelping us improve focus and performance throughout the day, butwhat are you doing with those short breaks? Are you getting themost out of them?Instead of just checking your social networks, news, or whateveryou think about, what if you just get out of that chair and getmoving? Let your blood flow, refresh your brain, breathe... so thatwhen you get back, you are strong and ready to get things done.Pomoves is a simple to use Pomodoro timer that will connect toyour Google Fit profile, and will allow you to keep track of howmuch you move during breaks. If you're not doing this now, you willbe surprise how much of a difference those 5 minute breaks willmake when you add them all up.Here is a simple example:With a goal of 12 Pomodoros/day, you get 3 x 3 short breaks (5min) + 2 long breaks (15 min), that would be:3 x 3 x 5 min = 45 min2 x 15 min = 30 minFor a total of 75 minutes moving!That means you beat your goal of 1hour/day. Not only that, foran average male weighing 160 pounds, those 75 min translate to thefollowing:Sitting ~ 152 caloriesStanding ~ 196 caloriesWalking (3mph) ~ 400 calories!!So it's all up to you, get even better than what you are today,and Pomoves will help you keep track of it.